Hello to all,

I’m sorry I haven’t given more news these last weeks, projects are coming up for everyone and time is getting scarce!

In the news, in addition to new support (see below), Benjamin published two new versions of the draft standard in February and March. These new versions are in response to various comments received from the community. This does not change the format of the header at all. It is mainly semantic and wording issues that have been changed.

You can still access the draft via this link: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-billon-expires/

The project is progressing at its own pace. We have several ESPs that have started thinking about the future implementation of expiration dates in their platforms. This is also the case for Laposte.net on the mailbox provider side.

We also updated the project FAQ to explain why we chose to modify SMTP instead of using Schema.org microdata (yes I know it’s a very technical sentence 😉 ). Don’t hesitate to read the explanation.

We expect the first technical implementations before the end of the year. Our immediate goal is to continue to make the project known.

They talked about the project

Some of the members of our community are speaking about the project:

  • On March 2, Benjamin Billon participated in a webinar of the Certified Senders Alliance to talk about RFC and among other things the draft regarding expiration dates
  • On March 28th, Charles Sauthier was in London to talk about expiration dates during the Deliverability Summit. We hope a replay soon 😉

I will have the opportunity to speak several times in April, May and June to talk about the project. If you have the opportunity, don’t hesitate to do so. We can provide you with the latest news and offer you material (presentation, infographics, …).

They participate in the life of the community

The Beaumanoir Group (thanks Alexandre) has decided to push the subject of expiration dates with Adobe. Don’t hesitate to vote for the feature: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-campaign-classic-ideas/email-expiration-date-reducing-the-carbon-footprint-of-the-email/idi-p/439593

Ariane from LaPoste.net (who started monitoring the use of the “Expires:” header) noticed that https://www.easyzic.com/ was already adding the “Expires:” header in its emails. Congratulations to them!

New supporters

We continue to receive many new supporters! Don’t hesitate to join them:

Brands :


Others :